It’s a new year, which means you’re probably reevaluating all your poor health choices and setting a few fitness goals for 2017.
Alas, the internet makes it easier than ever to spread misinformation, often with the best of intentions. Myths that were previously passed through word-of-mouth in gyms and health clubs now spread like wildfire through social media, blogs, forums ...
… and even the established media. Between a 24-hour news cycle, studies that are both long and difficult to read, and journalists scrambling for the latest viral hit, information often gets published without being verified.
Examine has given us the Top 17 Nutrition Myths of 2017:
Myth 1: Carbs are bad for you
Myth 2: Fats are bad for you
Myth 3: Protein is bad for you
Myth 4: Egg yolks are bad for you
Myth 5: Red meat is bad for you
Myth 6: Salt is bad for you
Myth 7: Bread is bad for you
Myth 8: Whole-wheat bread is far better than white bread
Myth 9: High-fructose corn syrup is far worse than sugar
Myth 10: Foods are always superior to supplements
Myth 11: Supplements are superior to foods
Myth 12: You should eat “clean”
Myth 13: You should “detox” regularly
Myth 14: To lose fat, eat more often
Myth 15: To lose fat, don’t eat before bed
Myth 16: To lose fat, do your cardio on an empty stomach
Myth 17: You need protein right after your workout
Confused yet? Check out the full article, and browse MUSCLE INSIDER (use our search function!) to confirm or deny most of these myths!