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Muscle Insider Needs the Best Protein Chef

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MUSCLE INSIDER Needs YOU for Best Protein Chef

Toronto, Ontario – December 2016 – MUSCLE INSIDER launched their Best Protein Chef Challenge with Optimum Nutrition in November, and the feedback and participating has been resounding. The premise of the competition is that we’re searching for the best chefs in the fitness industry who can make healthy, irresistible, mouthwatering shakes, snacks, meals and desserts loaded with protein! How it works is that our editorial team will go behind the scenes every day for six weeks profiling the ten healthy chefs' and documenting their creations as they show the world their most delicious protein recipes. After six weeks, one will be crowned the winner, and will receive an epic Optimum Nutrition/Muscle Insider prize pack, and the title of the inaugural "Best Protein Chef."

"This is such an exceptional opportunity for people who like to eat clean and are health conscience, but also cook with quality ingredients! This program is the first of its kind, and we couldn't be more excited about partnering with Optimum to make it happen. For everyone out there with an Instagram account who's only ever baked for fun, now it's time to add a little competitive edge, and rise to the occasion. Turn your hobby or passion into something that could be an incredible opportunity for you. Honestly, if I could bake or do anything creative, I would enter this contest, too! I can't wait to see the finalists and what they come up with." Jaime Filer, Best Protein Chef, Program Director

The search has already begun for the ten best chefs in the fitness industry, and if you haven't entered already, you should! We want you to be one of the finalists! To nominate someone or to enter the Best Protein Chef challenge, email social@muscle-insider.com or post your best protein recipe on Instagram and hashtag #bestproteinchef today! 

MUSCLE INSIDER focuses on the science of building muscle, losing fat, and gaining strength. Each issue is packed with the latest training, diet and performance research for the serious bodybuilding and fitness fanatic. We serve up fresh content that inspires, enhances and entertains hardcore athletes wanting a no-nonsense magazine they can trust. Our experts provide you with sample diets, training programs and delicious recipes to help maximize your results. Whether you’re looking to gain an inch on your arms or get ripped, MUSCLE INSIDER is the best training partner you’ll ever have! Follow MUSCLE INSIDER at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and SnapChat.



About Optimum Nutrition
Optimum Nutrition was established in 1986 to satisfy consumer demand for consistent quality in sports nutrition. The company is also known for anticipating ever-changing customer needs and meeting the demands of a dynamic market with innovative products. With state-of-the-art production facilities in three states, ON is the only sports nutrition company to manufacture items in every product category, including nutritional bars, protein powders, ready-to-drink shakes, energy products, multivitamins and other health and wellness items that support a healthy lifestyle. The brand’s Gold Standard 100% Whey is universally recognized as one of the world’s best-selling whey protein. ON products can be found throughout the United States in close to 10,000 independent natural product and specialty retail stores, gyms, fitness centers and most online retailers. ON products are also distributed in 70 countries around the world.