What's your Favourite Tricep Exercise and Why?
Renaldo Gairy - IFBB Pro - "An exercise that works really well for my triceps is the close-grip bench press. Because it’s a compound movement, I can use a lot of weight and get a nice anabolic effect. I often like to superset these with bench dips or finish it off with some drop sets for a wicked pump.”
Wayne Chambers - IFBB Pro - "Single-rope triceps pressdowns have always been my favourite go-to exercise. Most people focus on the lateral head (horseshoe) on the outside when your long and medial heads make up the majority of your triceps. Keeping your elbow tight to your side, press down past your hip focusing on the inside of your tris, and feel them burn
El Presidente - "With exercise names like skullcrushers, kickbacks, and reverse horseshoe blasters, you would think I personally created triceps day. I like to mix it up—exercises, high and low reps, and supersets. If I don’t drop to my knees on completion, I know it wasn’t done right. (Insert sexual reference here.)”
Anth Bailes - IFBB Pro - "My favourite triceps movement is two-arm behind-the head dumbbell extensions. The long head of the triceps makes up the bulk of the arm, and few movements hit the long head directly. The extensions give a good stretch and great stimulation. Pushdowns and close bench hit more outer triceps head. Torch that long head for huge arms!”