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Steeltribe Musclegear Apparel Press Release

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For Immediate Release: Bronx, NY

Steeltribe Musclegear are excited to announce the signing of NPC National Bodybuilder John Mutton as their feature sponsored athlete.

CEO of Steeltribe Musclegear Aaron Ash says,

"The "Muttonator" provides us with a unique expansion into both the Canadian and American market"

Mutton is the former Mayor of Clarington, in Ontario Canada, and is the owner and CEO of Municipal Solutions, a company servicing clients in both the US and Canada. He is only bodybuilder/politician/businessman that has ever been on the G-8 negotiating committee for nuclear fusion. Mutton's distinguished career has earned him the prestigious Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal for service to Canada.

After leaving public office, John Mutton started on his bodybuilding career and made the Canadian Nationals in his first year of competition. He has competed at the IFBB North Americans; has won the NPC Brandywine Cup in Pennsylvania; and was runner up at the NPC Europa and the NPC Delaware State Championships.

Mutton has also appeared on the Discovery Channel special on Tribes of the 21st Century featured as "From Mayor to Bodybuilder"

"John's business travel finds him training in gyms all across Canada and the USA, and this gives Steeltribe an exposure we could only dream about" says Steeltribe Musclegear's Aaron Ash. Mutton says, "Steeltribe Musclegear is the hottest, most cutting edge clothing line on the fitness scene today. I am proud to wear it in gyms across the USA and Canada"
