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The Roids Made Me Do It

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By Loan Cat

Cesar Sayoc, a 57 year-old Florida man, has pled guilty to charges of mailing pipe bombs to supposed opponents of President Donald Trump, including former president Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and news station CNN. A total of 16 bombs were mailed.

Sayoc claims, in letters and ramblings to a federal judge, that steroid use and supplement and vitamin abuse was part of the reason he mailed the pipe bombs. In fact, he claims over 40 years of “heavy steroid use” and to have used 274 different supplements and vitamins regularly.

Sayoc was living out of his van, which was covered with pro-Trump stickers, at the time of the arrest. Sayoc claims he was tired of the attacks against Trump by liberals. He even claims that liberals damaged his van by slashing tires, and even his brake line and sabotaging his battery (which he also claims was life threatening).

Sayoc also claims that with his addiction to steroids and supplements, attending his first Trump rally was like a “new found drug.” "I was getting so wrapped up in this new found fun drug," he stated in one handwritten letter to the federal judge.

Sayoc faces from 10 years up to life in prison. Sentencing will take place on August 5, 2019.


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