The 20 winners of our Rich Piana autographed copies of MUSCLE INSIDER are in! With hundreds of entrants it was hard to choose just 20 but we managed to do so. Below are the winners.
1. Sandy Cooper
2. Corey Swiergosz
3. Chris Lansing
4. Andrew Joseph
5. Marc Fournier
6. Greg Marcolin
7. Siawash Ahmadi
8. Chris Elliott
9. Marcus Aurelius
10. Trent Wilkins
11. Mike Cossey
12. Moe Belec
13. Teresa Tuohy
14. Alexandre St-Laurent
15. Joshua Thorne
16. Cédrik Marchand
17. Tim Umpherson
18. Mike D Blake
19. Ulises Amador
20. Alvin Lo
Thanks to all who took part in this exciting facebook giveaway. Please email your mailing info to and we'll get your copy shipped to you right away.