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Real Housewife Lisa Hochstein signs with Verda nutrition

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New vegan supplement brand VERDA™ signs one year deal with "Real Housewife" - Lisa Hochstein.

It was an exciting week for the vegan supplement brand VERDA,™ who recently finalized a spokesperson contract with Canada's own reality TV star, Lisa Hochstein. A former native of Toronto, Ontario, Lisa has taken the Miami social scene by storm and has since gained an incredible following through her participation on the hit reality series, The Real Housewives of Miami. Lisa is more then meets the eye though and in this respect it was her myriad of philanthropic contributions that really attracted the interest of the Canadian supplement company VERDA.™

"When Lisa first came into focus for us as a potential spokesperson for VERDA™ her fitness background was an obvious asset, but it wasn't what really hit home for us," says CEO Rodney Dupont.  "This is a woman who has taken all of her success and transformed it into a medium for channeling positivity and social wellness. Her work with several prominent charities including the Humane Society and the Make-A-Wish Foundation are an inspiration to the vegan community and society as a whole. Lisa's values of responsible and sustainable success aligns directly with what we envision for VERDA,™ so she was a natural fit."

VERDA™ is an emerging vegan brand boasting a new vegetable-based protein, greens, and anti-oxidant superfood that is gluten-free, lactose-free, GMO-free, and certified banned substance free - meaning it is 100% safe for fitness enthusiasts, families, and professional athletes to use.  The brand is also partnering with the international charitable organization Vitamin Angels in order to promote global wellness through their new Earth-friendly product.  Each bottle of VERDA™ purchased will allow Vitamin Angels to provide a child's key nutrients for an entire year.

"I have been waiting a long time to pair up with a brand that is in sync with my personal values and goals, and I am very excited that I have found this in VERDA,™ says Hochstein. I have always been a huge fitness and nutrition buff - to me it is an absolutely critical part of life.  I believe that this product and the virtues it represents are exactly what I need to both take my conditioning to the next level and help generate awareness about health and wellness around the world; I couldn't be more proud to be a part of this team."

VERDA™ is set to launch globally starting with the Canadian market early this summer, and will be available in all major organic, health food, and supplement retailers across the country.

Visit www.verdanutrition.com for more information.