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MuscleMix 2 out now! Best workout tunes!

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Check out Muscle Mix 2 for a brand new workout mix with the hottest EDM tracks!

Muscle Mix Episode 2 brought to you by JGwardo and leading sports supplement brand Nutrabolics!

Jayson Wyner aka JGwardo is quickly becoming a renowned virtuoso in the music industry as a premiere DJ and record producer. In the wake of his incredible success as President and co-founder of Nutrabolics® Sports supplements, this Manitoba native eventually found his way back his first major passion in life, music. As a teen Jayson always dreamed of seizing the glory of the music industry, an idea that stuck with him during his days as a club promoter who lived for night, sound, and sensation. After re-discovering this musical fire that formed the essence of his upbringing, Jayson founded Wyner Entertainment™ and went on to pursue his own musical dream.