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Milos Sarcev Coming to Barrie, ONT

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Milos Sarcev’s Muscle Camp is coming to Barrie, Ontario! 

This 3-day camp kicks off on Friday December 8th and continues all weekend ending Sunday December 10th. There will be a maximum of 20 people allowed to attend this exclusive event, and Muscle Insider will be there to cover the action.

The cost for the 3 days is $1000.00 Canadian dollars if payed before November 20th. After November 20th it will go up to regular price of $1299, so save yourself $300!! The camp takes place at Barrie Iron Gym.

For details on what’s covered, go to the Facebook event now!

To register, please email: teambodypro@hotmail.com or call 647-407-2148

Remember to check out the Facebook event page for more info!