What started as a routine post-show media session, nearly turned chaotic. Following the first night's action, which included a sensational victory in the tightly-competed 212-division by Ahmad Ashkanani, the RXMuscle team was set to do a post-show wrap-up video and interview with Ahmad. Watch the video to see what happens when a routine interview turns into a feud between two rival magazines..
According to Muscular Development, and according to the video, it seems as though Dave pulled Ahmad from the middle of Shawn's video. But according to sources, and Dave's testimony in the video (although the camera wasn't running from the beginning of the incident), Shawn pulled the athlete away first. The altercation escalated quickly, with Peter McGough (a legend in his own right), getting involved in order to try and push Dave away from Shawn. Dave Palumbo claims that RX Muscle had lined up Ahmad for an interview first. Shawn claims Ahmad didn't even want to talk to Rx Muscle.
And everyone thought all the action was on stage... Ha!
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