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Legendary Canadian Bodybuilding Photographer Jimmy Caruso Passes Away

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An industry trailblazer has passed. Jimmy Caruso, an innovator in physique photography from Montreal, Quebec, Canada has passed away at the age of 95. According to some reports, Caruso passed away in his home. Cause of death has yet to be determined. 

Jimmy Caruso is best known for iconic photographs he took of bodybuilding legends during the golden era of the industry. He worked very closely with Joe and Ben Weider to build the sport of bodybuilding and inspire millions of people around the world through his photographs. The most famous of all bodybuilders he worked with has to be Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s said that Jimmy was the first photographer from North America to photograph Arnold when he first landed here from Austria. 

…You have heard me say I’m not a self-made man over and over - people like Jimmy are a big reason why…

- Arnold Schwarzenegger

Jimmy was a true artist and pioneer mastering lighting techniques that captured lines and shadows to fully seize the moment in a muscular physique that are now forever frozen in time. Many of the poses he used in his photography can be seen emulated in the Classic Physique Division. In fact, we at Muscle Insider featured Jimmy’s work in one of our Special Arnold issues. In working with Jimmy, it was obvious that he was very particular with his work and took pride in what he had accomplished in his images.

"I started taking photos because I didn't like the way they were being photographed. I bought a camera, and within three months I had a cover shot."

- Jimmy Caruso (via The Montreal Gazette in 2011)


Our heartfelt condolences go out to Jimmy's family, friends and many fans around the world who were inspired by his life's work.

*© Images courtesy of Instagram

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