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Iris Kyle Out of 2020 Olympia

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Olympia Coverage Sponsored by BODYPRO Gym

Ten-time Ms.Olympia Iris Kyle had to pull out of the 2020 Olympia due to illness. We don’t have all the information yet, but as more info comes in we'll update Muscle Insider fans. We had her as the favourite to win the women's bodybuilding class in our predictions but that’s not going to be the case. Below is what Iris posted after the 2020 Olympia regarding the situation:

Friends and Fans, 

Thank you for the kind messages. I am happy to report that I got home safely from the Olympia. A special thank you to the Olympia athlete support team who promptly helped me obtain the initial medical help. When I started this contest preparation, I never anticipated it would conclude with respiratory and circulatory problems so severe that it would land me in urgent care until 4 am the day of the show. I am on a handful of medications and will be seeing a specialist shortly. This was not the outcome you or I expected but it wasn’t feasible to step on a stage when I could barely stand and was running a fever. I should be recovered in a few weeks and I will resume my regular routine. I was very excited to compete in our industry’s most prestigious event and even with the move to Orlando, I was prepared to compete. Never could I imagine my body suffering such a systemic shutdown and my disappointment is staggering. It has made me realize how fortunate I was during my career with good health. Many people have spoken on the concept of “getting knocked down” and sometimes it is truly out of our control. However, how we respond is a different matter and I choose to get back up, fight for what I want and compete to win. So I say to all of you, pursue your dreams with passion, determination and the greatness within you. 2021 is just around the corner so let’s set our goals and be relentless. I am going to grab a Pomegranate Super Tea by Urban Ice Organics and wish you a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. 

Best Regards,