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Thu, 2015-09-17 10:17
Q. Zane, after you earned your IFBB pro card in 2013 at the Canadian Bodybuilding Championships, we didn’t...
Tue, 2015-09-08 13:55
In 2012, the prize money was $900,000 - Not too shabby, right? In 2013, it went up to a cool $950,000, thanks...
Fri, 2015-09-04 14:31
Performance nutrition innovator MHP is proud to announce that fitness icon and IFBB Bikini pro Christina...
Fri, 2015-08-21 07:09
American Media, Inc. (AMI) announced that Amazon.com would be the official retail sponsor of the world famous...
Tue, 2015-07-28 11:54
The 2015 NPC USAs, held this past weekend in Las Vegas, NV, was one of the largest to date! There were 800...
Tue, 2015-07-28 11:28
John Cena is a "Ride or Die" kind of guy. He's 100% all in in everything he does. He is Mr. Never give up,...
