IFBB Pro Silvio Samuel Released from Prison
We have it on good authority based on certain sources that the former Pro Ironman Champion, IFBB Pro Silvio Samuel, is going to be released from prison soon, after being locked up for 'Terroristic Threats & Domestic Violence Charges.'
The Nigerian born Silvio, who lived in Germany, Spain, and ultimately California, had minor heart issues prior to being locked up. This is the second time he's been in jail after his Domestic Charges, before a short lived attempt at returning to competition in Mexico. Ultimately Silvio got caught up with Threats to a Witness landing serious time in jail, and that was that.
Now, he is due to be released very soon which begs the question of whether he will be allowed to stay in the US. The last time Samuel competed was the 2009 Mr. Olympia competition. He had an incredible run in the mid-2000's!
Samuel was arrested on multiple charges dating back to 2011! For the full arrest report, click here:
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