It is with heavy hearts, that we bring you the news that IFBB Pro Bodybuilder turned actor Andy Haman has passed away today, at the age of 55. To those that knew Andy, found him to be a person that brought joy to so many people and was amazing with kids. His family confirmed the news of Andy’s passing on social media earlier today. Although an autopsy has not yet been completed, Andy's wife Michelle said the death was due to complications from elbow joint surgery. Haman was 55 years old.
"The Doctors believe it was a massive blood clot to his heart, lungs or brain," she said early Sunday morning from her Colorado Springs, CO home. If you recall, Andy tore his triceps about four years ago and had to have it completely reattached. Last Sunday his elbow became very swollen and painful. He went to his Orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday, who drained it with a syringe and it was full of pus. The Doctor then cancelled the rest of his afternoon appointments and scheduled Andy for immediate surgery. After the surgery he was in the hospital for three more days on IV antibiotics and blood thinners. He came home Thursday afternoon and was fine on Friday, other than a huge splint on his arm. He
was just laying on the bed, and rolled over and stopped breathing. He was taken off the bed and CPR was started. Paramedics were called but they think it (death) was pretty much instant. One year ago Andy had a deep thrombosis in his calf, which broke off and went to his lung as a pulmonary embolism. He almost died there, but made it to the hospital, where he was put on IV blood thinners for 10 days. With his history of this the Doctor's believed that is what happened again."
Michelle said Andy was "larger than life and was as crazy and silly at home as people would see at Expos and that's how everyone should remember him.”
Andy's son Samuel Haman wrote, "RIP: Anthony Joesph Haman/Dad/Mr. Incredible. We love you so much and you will be in our thoughts forever! No one was as strong, kind, silly, goofball wonderful person as you. Don’t worry about mom and the girls I’ll take care of them, just the way you did and taught me.”
Originally from Iowa City, Haman graduated from the University of Iowa and went on to teach Physical Education and Health at Thomas B. Doherty High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Andy later retired from teaching to pursue a career in bodybuilding. After just a few years, came in second at the Shawn Ray Colorado NPC Classic in 2007, allowing him to advance to the next tier of competition. Haman then won his superheavyweight class as well as the overall title at the NPC Masters Bodybuilding National Championships, which earned him his IFBB Pro Card.
An Andy Haman Memorial Fund has been set up by his wife Michelle. This memorial fund will be used to pay for funeral expenses and anything over the goal will be used for Andy's youngest daughter, Lucy's, college. To show your support to Andy's family and contirbute to the fund, please click HERE.
All of us here at Muscle Insider send our condolences to Andy’s family and friends. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
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