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EFX Sports Throws Lyzme 5 Parties Nationwide

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For the launch of their highly anticipated Lyzme 5, our friends at EFX Sports hosted nationwide "Lyzme 5 Parties". These fat-loss parties torched fat in 5 cities all on same day! The Lyzme 5 party shredding took place at OC Discount in Fullerton (CA), All About Health in Woodstock (GA), The Den in Allen (TX), Arena Supplements in Wilkes-Barre (PA), and at Discount Nutrition in Tampa (FL). EFX Sports also livestreamed the festivities at each location on the company’s Facebook Fans Page.

What is Lyzme 5?

While most weight-loss products focus on stimulants to speed up metabolism or suppress appetite, Lyzme 5 instead supports the breakdown and conversion of circulating fat molecules and stored fats into energy. The company’s research is backed by multiple patents in the United States, South Africa, and Canada.

Whether you’re looking to drop the last five pounds or take off 50, sports-nutrition company EFX Sports recently pioneered a breakthrough approach with its release of Lyzme 5.

Product inventor Dr. Jeff Golini stated, “The idea for this product and the initial research for what became Lyzme 5 started over 14 years ago. I’m so excited to finally see it come to the marketplace where we get to share it with the rest of the world.”

To ensure you maximize use of Lyzme 5, EFX Sports is also offering a well-designed training and diet program absolutely free at this web address: www.efxsports.com/leanlifestyle.