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Dan's Toronto Pro Supershow Contest Predictions

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Dan's Toronto Pro Supershow Contest Predictions

By: Dan Kennedy

Men's Open Class

1 – Victor Martinez – Coming off a disappointing 2nd place at the New York Pro, Victor will regroup and lead the field in Toronto.  It’s just so damn hard to deny this guy’s shape and symmetry.  If Aceto is in control of Victor’s diet it’s certain to see stage ready and dominant competitor.  Victor’s loss of size shouldn’t have that much of a negative impact but the question fans should be asking is will Victor have any issues at the border that will prevent him from competing at Canada’s premier Pro event?

2 – Fouad Abiad – This guy has a fire lit under his ass.  Abiad’s online pre-contest training videos are not only exceedingly motivating but extremely telling.  Fouad wants this show!  Just in the last year alone Fouad has transformed into a new freak and I predict fans will see a Fouad rebooted.  Razor sharp detail, denser muscularity and quad sweep improvements that would have Pakulski take notice will define this impressive athlete.  Fouad was the man to beat….that is until Victor decided to compete.

3 – Jonathan Delarosa – Jonathan’s 6th place finish at the New York Pro was a good call but I predict that Jonathan will have a hard time peaking twice and bringing in the conditioning he will need to topple Fouad.  Will he take the Toronto Pro Show lightly and show up in less than top condition?  I think he will and he’s going to suffer for it.
Let’s hope he has his sights set on gold and pulls out all stops because a Pro show victory is in his future.

4 – Marcus Haley – Marcus has all the goods to get the job done but I think that his appearance at the Toronto Pro Show will mirror what he brought a week earlier in New York.  It could be a real barn burner between him and Delarosa so you can flip my 3rd and 4th place predictions but I just don’t see Marcus beating an in shape Abiad.

5 – Renaldo Gairy – The other Canadian in my prediction.  Great shape and smooth posing are Gairy’s trademarks.  He will be beaten in the size department but will certainly outshine the rest of the pack.  Gairy needs to find what works for him in the conditioning department and when he does watch out!  Will he nail his conditioning?  If he does he may be able to squeeze out a higher placing or two.

Men's 212 Class

1 – Jose Raymond – This will be a repeat of last weekend’s New York Pro for Jose.  He will easily be the standout in this division.  Most notably it will be his dense muscularity that will set him apart from his fellow competitors.  Expect Jose to collect the winner’s paycheque and don’t be surprised if the judges compare him once and then send him to the back of the stage to spend the majority of their time sorting out the rest of the pack.  Yes, Jose will dominate that decisively.

2 – Tricky Jackson – Tricky is guaranteed to bring down the house with his posing.  He could be a spoiler if Jose comes in off but Tricky doesn’t have the momentum of a win to help secure gold.  He’ll bring an impressive package to the stage – round muscle bellies and razor sharp conditioning.  Watch out for Tricky – he’s dangerous.

3 – Mark Dugdale – It’s great to see Mark back on stage.  He’ll bring great shape and impressive muscularity to Toronto and should be a sure bet for third.  He’ll need to tweak his conditioning up a notch from last week’s performance but Mark is a true professional and I’m certain he’ll deliver.  Look for Mark to press Tricky and Jose.

4 – Al Auguste – Al is blessed with great shape and has worked hard for his thick muscularity. He’ll be a solid forth but could press Dugdale if the stars align correctly.  He’ll need to come in drying than last week’s appearance in New York but has all the qualities of a top 212 competitor.

5 – Gregory Ulysse – My only Canadian pick for the 212 class in Toronto. Ulysse is well known north of the border and has certainly paid his dues at the National level.  However, the Pro ranks are a different league. Ulysse is no longer a big fish in a little pond.  He’ll have to increase in size and nail his conditioning if he wants to move up in the Pro ranks.