We’ve been following the competitive career of Chris Bumstead, one of our most popular Muscle Insider cover models, for some time. Last year, about four weeks out from the 2018 Mr. Olympia contest, Chris had a major flare-up of IgA nephropathy, which causes the immune system to attack itself. This type of flare-up causes noticeable water retention, which is what Chris was facing in the final days leading up to show day.

Chris recently announced on his YouTube channel and Instagram page that he’s now facing another potential setback. After feeling some unusual pain in December, he worked through the pain for a few months. When the pain got to be more intense, Chris went to a local clinic to get checked out. After a six-hour wait to see the doctor, Chris learned that he has a very small umbilical hernia, which is right in his belly button.

Chris will be seeing a surgeon to get direction on repairing this hernia before he starts his prep for the 2019 Mr. Olympia competition. Seeing as we’re 18 weeks out from this year’s contest, Chris has high hopes that he’ll be able to have this hernia repaired and healed in time to go into full prep mode.

We’ve seen Chris continuing to train but being smart about it by stepping back in weight, doing pre-exhaustion-style workouts, and paying close attention to how he feels. We have faith that Chris will be able to heal up in no time, and we can’t wait to see him at 100 percent onstage at this year’s Olympia.

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Final image sourced from YouTube