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Branch Warren Wins The Arnold Classic and Most Muscular Award.

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By: Domenic Mauro, Athlete Insider

It was a long time coming and no surprise that Branch Warren won the Arnold Classic at the 2011 Arnold Sports Festival. He stood among some stiff competition that included the likes of 2008 Mr. Olympia and 3 time Arnold Classic Champ Dexter Jackson, 2007 Arnold Classic winner Victor Martinez, recent Flex Pro Champ Evan Centopani, German power house Dennis Wolf and of our rising Canadian stars Fouad Abiad and Ben Pakulski. Branch brought a physique unmatched to anyone on stage. There was no doubt who was going to win. It was so clear cut that Branch even took home the Most Muscular Award. Is the Mr. Olympia title next? He stands a good chance, but we’ll see this Sept in Vegas!