When it comes to hardcore gyms with the best equipment, few gyms in the world can compare to BODYPRO Gym in Hamilton, Ontario. Unfortunately, COVID-19 caused many gyms to shut down temporarily and in some cases forced them out of business. In an effort to give their members the ability to train while complying with the Ontario government's COVID-19 protocols, BODYPRO Gym has set up an outdoor gym! Equipped with massive awnings to shelter users from the rain or keeping them in the shade on sunny days, BODYPRO Gym has put some of their best equipment outside for those who want to train. This Muscle Beach style pit is equipped with everything you need to get a great workout. if you've been following all the content we’ve been putting out about BODYPRO Gym, you’ll be as excited as we are to put on your headphones, throw on a stringer tank top and go pump some iron! We applaud BODYPRO Gym on taking this initiative and not letting their members be prevented from building muscle, losing fat, increasing strength and improving health in a safe environment.
If want to check out BODYPRO Gym, visit their website at bodyprogym.ca/.