Bodybuilding Fans Will Help Choose The Next Mr. Olympia Champion
Olympia Preview Sponsored By PharmaFreak
We are less than three months out from the 2018 Olympia and we just learned of some exciting new changes to the 2018 Olympia. For the first time ever, fans will judge each competitor in the Olympia and rank them and these fan scores will actually be counted in the final placings! So you the fans will help crown the next Mr. Olympia champion.
Prejudging Score Cards Available To The Public
After the prejudging, official score cards will be available to the public so fans can see each competitor’s score before they step on the Olympia stage for the finals.
2018 Olympia People's Champion
If fans pick a different winner than what the judges pick, that competitor will be crowned as the 2018 Olympia People's Champion. Expect fan favourites like Shawn “Flexatron” Rhoden and Big Ramy to have a serious leg up on Phil Heath who is often regarded as the most hated Olympia champion in bodybuilding history.