Bostin Loyd is a bodybuilder who gained tremendous fame over his controversial videos on his use of steroids, SARMs, site injections, synthol, peptides and other PEDs. He was also a supplement company owner, with a flagship product called Freak Juice. Known for his outrageous doses and disregard for the health consequences of PED abuse, Bostin developed a legion of fans who appreciated his brutal honesty and the chemical “experiments” he performed on himself. But he was often attacked by others who felt his behavior was harmful to himself and to a very impressionable audience who idolized him. Unfortunately, he came home from the gym last week and collapsed! Doctors tried to resuscitate him, but he died allegedly from heart failure. Bostin was just 29 years of age and now leaves behind his wife and son.
Kidney Failure Warning
Last year, Bostin suffered from kidney failure, which he thought was caused by the peptide Adipotide, which he was using. This substance has no human studies on it and has only been researched on monkeys and mice! One of the side effects in those animal studies was in fact kidney failure. Unfortunately, Bostin’s kidneys shut down, and he was diagnosed with stage 5 kidney disease. He began researching how to restore kidney health but admitted that he had not stopped taking performance-enhancing drugs, despite doctor’s orders.
Final Thoughts
As a bodybuilding fitness media source, Muscle Insider never judges others for the choices they make about using or not using steroids, SARMs, peptides, GH or other PEDs. But we don’t believe anyone should be taking them without the supervision of a medical doctor and without understanding the full consequences of their use. PEDs have their place in medicine, but we have yet to read a single study that proves they extend life span, which is an aspect that no bodybuilding “guru” or steroid dealer can argue with. But we also understand the argument that, like all sports, bodybuilding has many risks involved with it. Unfortunately, we often fail to consider the damage we cause to those around us when we lose our health, and they are left to pick up the pieces. Bostin Loyd was famous for being transparent with his dosing and for downplaying the health risks involved with steroid and research chemical use. Our thoughts are now with the family he has left behind.