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AMI Bodybuilding.com Partnership

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As you can see from the tiny MUSCLE & FITNESS brand logo on this page of the Bodybuilding.com website, the partnership has already started!

American Media, Inc. which is the publishing company that owns FLEX, Muscle & Fitness, Men's Fitness, Shape and others has announced that the company has entered into a partnership with Bodybuilding.com! This is huge news to anyone in the industry.

Magazine Articles Now Available On Bodybuilding.com For Free

This corporate exchange program will allow Bodybuilding.com site visitors to access the articles from AMI’s various magazine titles! Will this clobber magazine newsstand sales of their titles or increase their brand visibility that much further? Time will tell. Will contest coverage from both giants now be consolidated? Why send a photographer from Bodybuilding.com to the Olympia and another one for Flex magazine when the one can do the job for both? Not saying this will happen but it would make good financial sense don't you think?     

Buy Your Supplements On The Muscle & Fitness and Flex Websites

Website visitors to the magazine websites will now have direct access to buy the full line of products from Bodybuilding.com through the retail store available on their own website. 

Commenting on the partnership, Mr. Pecker said,

“As two leaders in our respective fields, this is a very unique opportunity that we now have. Being able to provide the authoritative voice in health and fitness that AMI’s consumers trust along with their favorite products from Bodybuilding.com, is very exciting.”

Chris Scardino, Executive Vice President/Group Publishing Director added, 

Bodybuilding.com and American Media have enjoyed a longstanding and mutually beneficial relationship, and this partnership will further enhance the world of health and fitness.”

Ryan DeLuca, Bodybuilding.com CEO had this top say:

“We love being able to share the newest and most helpful content with visitors to Bodybuilding.com. Working with AMI helps give our visitors access to some of the top celebrity and athlete training programs out there.”