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7 Rich Piana MUSCLE INSIDER Winners

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Rich Piana has autographed 7 copies of MUSCLE INSIDER magazine and they will be shipped to these lucky winners!

The 7 winners of our Rich Piana autographed copies of MUSCLE INSIDER are in! With hundreds of entrants it was hard to choose just 7 but we managed to do so. Below are the winners.

  1. Cory John Grandmont from Stonewall, Manitoba 
  2. Michael E. Green from Toronto, Ontario 
  3. Tom Chiplick from Ottawa, Ontario 
  4. Angelo Delavinias from Toronto, Ontario 
  5. Tandie Maughn from Toronto, Ontario
  6. Christiane Lalonde from Cornwall, Ontario 
  7. Brandon Vitelli from Barrie, Ontario 

To claim your prize, please email your mailing full mailing address to: juliustoltesi@gmail.com