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By the Editors


Who doesn’t want a beautiful peak to their biceps? While dumbbell and barbell curls will help you add size, you should not neglect biceps training with cables. And this often-considered “shaping exercise” is one of our favourites. Of course, we are talking about the standing high cable curls performed with D-handle attachments. Add these babies to your arm routine and you—and your biceps peaks—will soon see why we love this exercise so much.


What’s Worked: Biceps

Exercise Type: Isolation    

Force: Pull


Points on Execution: 

• Set the dual pulley system to a high position on both sides and attach the D-handles. Adjust the height of the pulleys on each side and make sure that they are set at a height slightly higher than shoulder level.

• Select a managable weight. No need to go too heavy here. With this isolation exercise, it is not about the poundage you are hefting, but rather, the focus is all about muscle contraction and stretch.

• Grip each of the D-handles with an underhand grip (palms up) and stand centred between the pulleys with your arms fully extended and parallel to the floor and your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Keep your body evenly aligned with the handles.

• While keeping your elbows pointed straight outwards (never let them drift forwards) and in a fixed position, slowly curl the weight towards your shoulders (resembling a front double biceps pose). Remember to breathe out on this part of the movement.

• At the apex of the movement, squeeze your biceps hard and hold for a second to really put emphasis on the peaks.

• Inhale as you move your hands back to the starting position.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Throughout this exercise your body should remain completely static. Only your foreams should be moving when they bend at the elbow. Everything else should be locked into place.