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Prime Plus Synergy

Alex Savva

Prime Mover and Synergistic Training Program

The Prime Mover and Synergist Muscle Program is designed to help stimulate growth by attacking body parts as a group based on the prime movers and synergists. For example, during a bench press, the chest is the prime mover and the shoulders and triceps are synergists. As a result, chest/shoulders/triceps are grouped together in Workout #1 to provide maximum muscle tissue breakdown. This type of workout also allows for greater muscle recovery when compared to working your chest on one day and your shoulders and triceps on another, since the
shoulders and triceps are already involved during chest training. Also, because the synergist muscles are targeted during all exercises prescribed in each workout, they’ll be closer to exhaustion so you’ll only need to do a few sets to finish them off. Just think about how your
triceps will feel after all those presses in the below workout! At the end of each week, you’ll have thoroughly hit each muscle group once, which is ideal for maximizing muscle gains.

The first exercise of each workout is a compound movement with lower reps prescribed. For the compound exercises, go hard and go heavy with loads at about 70 to 80 percent of your max. This will get maximum muscle fibres firing off at the start of each workout. For the first exercise of each workout, rest for two minutes between each set. For the rest of the exercises in each workout, drop your rest intervals to just one minute between sets. Give it a shot and get ready to grow!