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Power Station - What Keeps Me Lean

Mike O'Hearn

First and foremost, I stay lean because I have to. My job, my career, my livelihood depend on it. But I’ve been doing this for so long that these habits are engrained in my psyche. This is what I do, and I do it because I love it. And I was lucky enough that doing what I love paid off for me. And, because I did, I can live every day as if it’s my last and do pretty much whatever I want. This is an amazing luxury to have, but I have it because I built my body and I take care of it, and part of taking care of it means I have to stay in shape—lean. I’m never actually out of shape, just different degrees of lean. What I’m getting at here is not a pat on the back, but rather my way of describing the strength of my motivation; you can pretty much do anything if you’re sufficiently motivated. If I want to keep living this incredible lifestyle I love so much, then I have to pay for it. And payment begins every day at 4:00 a.m. in the gym.

But, the cardio and the working out are just a small part of what keeps me lean. The biggest part of the puzzle is my diet. I prep all my meals myself every morning. Every meal is weighed and measured based on careful calculations that have been perfectly dialed in from years of consistency. That means if I have an “off-season,” then I can adjust my diet to put on some mass and increase my strength. Then, when “photo shoot season” hits—like I’m in now—I readjust my diet and bring down my calories to really lean out. And it’s not like I’m dieting for a contest—to just be dialed in on one day—I have to maintain that condition for guest posings. Right now, I have a guest posing almost every single weekend.

Getting up early, training, traveling, doing cardio, and dieting don’t go too well together in the energy department. I can get really tired and beat up. What make a big difference, one I can actually feel, are the supplements I take. I’m very fortunate to have access to the full line of Magnum products. So, every day I use Opus for increasing energy and blood flow and hydration to my muscles for that insane pump we all love, Serum for muscle growth and recovery, and Rocket Science to improve both my physical and mental performance. These products are amazing for kicking up my energy level for a killer workout, boosting my ability to recover from it, and shifting fat burning into high gear. This really helps me stay lean and get the workouts in, especially while I’m on the road.

There’s no doubt I’m motivated and disciplined enough to get the job done. Doing it the right way, getting ripped, and staying that way is what I have to do in order to work and make money and enjoy living my life to the fullest. But, for anybody, being lean has its advantages. Those of you rocking a six-pack right now know exactly what I’m talking about.