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Latest Features

Wed, 2013-04-10 13:35
In this in-depth, pull-no-punches interview, Charles Glass throws down with MUSCLE INSIDER and...
Wed, 2013-04-10 09:51
In bodybuilding, we talk a lot about testosterone and for good reason. Testosterone is the primary ...
Sun, 2013-04-07 21:25
MUSCLE INSIDER sits down with the one of the biggest, baddest names in pro bodybuilding and learn...
Fri, 2013-04-05 08:31
THE FAT DOCTOR SPEAKS! Dr. Udo Erasmus reveals why choosing the right blend of dietary fats can...
Fri, 2013-04-05 07:47
Walk into your local supplement store and you will quickly realize there are now more protein...
Fri, 2013-04-05 05:38
Some guys and girls use anabolic steroids (sometimes called androgens) to build muscle, burn fat,...
