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Exercises for Titanic Size

Mike O'Hearn


Besides the basic three lifts—squat, bench, and deadlift—here are some additional favourite massbuilding exercises for your shoulders, legs, and arms. My favourite mass-building exercise for shoulders
is military front press. This allows me to focus on the front and medial heads of the delt, where I can also load a large amount of weight to build more thickness. My rep range goes from 5 to 10 reps. My favourite mass-building exercise for biceps is straight bar curls. Yup, old-fashioned straight bar curls. I have never in a lifetime found a better
exercise to develop full, thick biceps. My range goes from 6 to 12 reps. My favourite mass builder for triceps is reverse bench press. I know you guys are shocked; half of you haven’t even done this exercise.
Here is your chance to build them triceps. Grab a moderate grip, keep these reps between 5 and 10, and keep your elbows tucked in close. My favourite exercise for hamstrings—my mass builder— is lying down leg curls. Keep this rep range between 8 and 12. Use a good amount of weight and start with this on your leg workout.


Here is something to mix along with your off-season training: Thrust and Tonic. These are both test boosters and will also help you get
some incredible sleep to recover and build more muscle. Along with these I use BIG C, which is an advanced creatine formula. This will help you with strength gains. I also take DNA, which will help recovery and incredible strength gains. All these supplements are from my
sponsor Magnum Nutraceuticals. Here’s to you guys putting on some good muscle fast!


Keeping your body properly fueled in and around workouts is very important. My favourite pre-workout meal is 10 egg whites with one yolk and one cup of dry oatmeal. My favourite post-workout meal is 8 ounces of chicken with some salsa and one cup of brown rice.