Product Review – ISO SURGE by Mutant
The Mutant ISO SURGE protein product line is growing with a new gourmet flavour! Mutant prides itself on its amazing lineup of ISO SURGE flavours, and Big Orange Dreamsicle fits right in. The formula is what we’ve come to expect from Mutant: a solid serving of protein from a high-quality whey isolate, with a different flavour profile from the normal choices. We’re here for the fresh, light citrus option!
Perfectly Processed
When it comes to protein supplements, there are a few main varieties to choose from, notably including whey concentrates and whey isolates. The difference between these two is the processing they go through during manufacturing. Both are derived from whey, but isolates go through additional processing that filters out more fat and carbohydrates from the protein. This filtering also brings the lactose content down, which can make it easier to digest for a wider audience.
Additionally, isolate products generally have a higher protein content than a whey concentrate product per weight. Concentrates typically yield 80 percent protein content, whereas isolates yield approximately 90 percent protein. As a whey isolate product, ISO SURGE boasts a high protein content with very low fat and carbs.
Counting Macros
As expected from an isolate, the macronutrient content for ISO SURGE is great. Per 32-gram scoop, you get 25 grams of protein with only one gram of fat and 2 grams of carbohydrates (of which one gram is sugar), providing 120 calories.
For athletes who monitor their macronutrient intake, the low quantity of fat and carbs is beneficial as this allows them to add these nutrients to their meals as required.
Flavour Flashback
When it comes to protein supplements, one of the main decision-making factors will always be flavour. Mutant understands this and has always put a lot of attention into its flavour choices, especially in its ISO SURGE protein products. As part of its newest flavour release, ISO SURGE in Big Orange Dreamsicle provides a delicious flashback to our childhood summers enjoying an orange popsicle filled with vanilla ice cream. Mutant managed to capture the creamy, refreshing taste perfectly in a citrus product that’s not overly sweet or tangy but just enjoyable.
Optimal Recovery
Mutant took ISO SURGE a step further for a protein supplement by including 16 grams of essential amino acids (EAAs) per serving. EAAs support muscle growth by signaling the body to start the protein synthesis process. When they’re consumed with a solid serving of protein (such as the 25 grams per scoop of ISO SURGE), the body is well-supported to recover and build new muscle. The inclusion of EAAs in a protein supplement makes it a comprehensive post-workout product.
If you want to take your post-workout drink to the next level, we suggest stacking it with Mutant’s GEAAR product in Orange Rush. Beyond the explosion of orange flavour, you’ll hit the recommended dose of EAAs to fully support your muscle-building goals. Combining a serving of each product will bring your serving of L-leucine, the amino acid most regarded for its muscle-building potential, up to nearly 7 grams!
Shake and Serve
To easily enjoy your protein, add one scoop of ISO SURGE to a shaker cup with about 150-180 ml of cold water or liquid of choice. With a simple shake (don’t forget to fully close your cup!), the protein easily dissolves for a smooth, great-tasting drink.
ISO SURGE is a great option immediately following a training session, but it also works to fill gaps between meals throughout the day.
Mutant has been providing high-quality supplements to the market since 2005 and is a proudly Canadian brand. If you haven’t tried ISO SURGE yet, we highly suggest you do! The product lineup has something for everyone, and all will help satisfy a sweet tooth with their creamy, dessert-like flavour while also helping you hit your protein needs for the day. That’s a big flex!
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