Competing in bodybuilding is no easy task. There are training and gym schedules to follow, diets and food restrictions, as well as the overall stress and physical demands placed on the body. Most individuals who follow the sport would assume that the majority of competitors don’t have “real” jobs outside of the gym life and that they don’t have interests or skills to reach outside of that comfort zone. What amazes me is that many of the competitors are wellrounded and “typical” individuals in society and have jobs outside of the gym. Take nationally qualified bodybuilder Mike Cipriani, for example.
Mike started competing back in 2010 and found that bodybuilding was a way to turn the negative parts of his life into positive situations. Mike also took that drive and work ethic into his workplace. Mike has a diploma in social work and works for the Toronto Catholic District School Board as an educational assistant. He works with children identified as having autism, Down Syndrome, ADD and/or ADHD, as well as other learning disabilities who are placed in the DDME room (developmentally delayed multiple exception). Mike believes he is different than all the other bodybuilders in the sense that he doesn’t just make bodybuilding his main focus but also does a lot to give back: “I love helping and giving back. I figure, if I can’t benefit others while climbing up the ranks as a bodybuilder, it’s useless. I always want to bring up those around me and not just myself.” In his school, others have recognized the dedication and discipline that Mike displays and have looked for ways to enable him to share his knowledge, experiences, and background with the students. Mike has been approached “by a phys-ed teacher and basketball coach to come in and teach the students about what I do, and how training and nutrition will benefit their personal lives, as well as them as athletes. They are setting up a workshop for me to teach the students.”
To see Mike Cipriani's contest history, click HERE.