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Toronto Pro SuperShow 2018 - Competitor List

Domenic Mauro

Contest Coverage Sponsored By ALLMAX


  1. Mahar Alsafar
  2. Jeff Beckham
  3. Rafael Brandao
  4. Maxx Charles
  5. Michael Cipriani
  6. Marc Arthur Dautuchee
  7. Isaac Ghavidel
  8. Kenneth Jackson
  9. Kille Kujala
  10. Cedric McMillan
  11. Juan Morel
  12. Erik Ramirez
  13. Manuel Romero
  14. Jonni Shreve
  15. Antoine Vaillant
  16. Zdenek Voprada
  17. Akim Williams


  1. Ahmad Ahmad
  2. Mahmood Al Durrah
  3. Masoom Butt
  4. Mboya Edwards
  5. Billy Ford
  6. Mehdi Hatami
  7. Vojtech Koritensky
  8. Cody Montgomery
  9. Adolphus Quoida
  10. Derek Rafla
  11. Zane Watson


  1. Edgard John Augustin
  2. Omar Bautista
  3. Rodrigo Coelho
  4. Rafael Diaz Arechiga
  5. Joey Flores
  6. Aaron Futel
  7. Antwane Hamlett
  8. Shane Makan
  9. Javier Martinez
  10. Eric Aime Ndjomo
  11. Matt Pattison
  12. Terence Ruffin


  1. Maurice Arthur
  2. Jason Baker
  3. Victar Clark
  4. Ismael Dominguez
  5. Louis Dominique Cobeil
  6. Brendon Floyd
  7. Philippe Lebrun
  8. Renato Menezes
  9. Chevy Philips
  10. Fernando Rios
  11. Sean Sapera
  12. Chase Savoie
  13. Akeem Scott
  14. Shahin Zolfaghari


  1. Harold Kelley
  2. Antoni Khadraoui
  3. Steve Lister
  4. Daniel Minster
  5. Bryan Williams


  1. Patty Corbett
  2. Tananarive Huie
  3. Maryse Manios
  4. Heather Manuel
  5. Margie Martin
  6. Silvia Matta
  7. Maria Mikola


  1. Jaclyn Baker
  2. Darrien Borello
  3. Maria Laura Cerbelli
  4. Stacy Dawn
  5. Emanuela DiBari
  6. Jocelyn Hebert
  7. Brittany Kanne
  8. Sara Kovach
  9. Dominique Matthews
  10. Minna Pajulahti
  11. Nicolette Spencer
  12. Paige Tarloski


  1. Yvette Brown
  2. Melissa Bumstead
  3. Tamen Ewasiuk
  4. Jennifer Freemen
  5. Azaria Glaim
  6. Rae Healey
  7. Joanna Jean
  8. Catherine Lavoie
  9. Julie Mayer
  10. Renata McEwen
  11. Lola Montez
  12. Leslie Rotella
  13. Maria Sharp
  14. Ashley Sneathen
  15. Jenni Sperling
  16. Alexis Sullivan
  17. Martina Yabekova


  1. Jade Atkinson
  2. Shannah Baker
  3. Lauralie Chapados
  4. Brittany Dayne
  5. Darah Diaz
  6. Jennifer Dorie
  7. Jasmine Gonzales
  8. Breanne Hensman
  9. Kai Miller
  10. Annette Mountford
  11. Ashley Nicastro
  12. Julie Peterson
  13. Sandra Reardon
  14. Natalie Waples
  15. Jaclyn Wilson
  16. Eunjung Yoon


  1. Evangeline Belton
  2. Jill Blondin
  3. Trina Burns
  4. Daniely Castilho
  5. Alyssa Coppolino
  6. Georgina D’Abero
  7. Eleonora Dobrinina
  8. Robin Gizzi
  9. Evangelina Guzman
  10. Leah Johnson
  11. Jamila Mallory
  12. Phonthip Marino
  13. Sarah Aude Salbot
  14. Angelica Saldua
  15. Amanda Smith
  16. Michelle Steeves
  17. Natalie Rae Wolfe


About ALLMAX Nutrition

ALLMAX believes in dedicating itself to strict policies of quality in manufacturing. It maintains the absolute highest grade of manufacturing for all its products, with pharmaceutical-grade cGMP and government-inspected facilities featuring state-of-the-art conditions with sealed air-pressurized chambers. It has been around for over 10 years and is one of the most trusted names in the industry.