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MUSCLE INSIDER Show Coverage 2022

Since 2009, Muscle Insider has served up the latest bodybuilding news, gossip and contest coverage throughout North America covering world class events like the Mr.Olympia, Arnold Sports Festival and the Toronto Pro Supershow. This year will be no exception as Muscle Insider is scheduled to cover more than 27 IFBB Pro and CPA shows throughout North America! This is an exciting time of growth for Muscle Insider and for thousands of competitors looking to get back on stage and show how much muscle they’ve been able to pack on during the very challenging times we’ve all faced. Simon Lau, who is regarded as one of the very best photographers in the industry, is our official contest photographer. We’ve also partnered with several well known U.S. photographers to bring you the best in contest coverage south of the border!

2022 Canadian Physique Alliance Contest Schedule

Staying true to our roots, Muscle Insider will also be covering many of the top amateur bodybuilding contests in Ontario and British Columbia delivering the quality content that competitors love and fans get inspired by. Below is the 2022 Canadian Physique Alliance contest schedule, more details can be found on the CPA website.

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