IFBB Pro League Vice President and judge Tyler Manion has announced that there will be new height and weight limits imposed on the Men’s Physique division following the 2023 Olympia, which will take place in Orlando, Florida on Nov. 2-5. Manion made this announcement on a YouTube video filmed at the NPC and IFBB Pro League headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which you can see below..
Manion explained that officials have been tracking heights and weights for athletes in this division at recent contests around the world. While that data hasn’t been involved in any decisions by the judges, it has served as research for this decision. Manion made it clear that this new rule will not affect the 2023 season or the 2023 Men’s Physique Olympia contest.
“It will go into effect at the first show after the Olympia.”
According to the IFBB Pro League website, the first Men’s Physique show after the Olympia will be the 2023 Wings of Strength Romania Muscle Fest Pro on the weekend of Nov. 10-12. Manion also explained that one reason for this new rule is that the physiques that are being presented onstage are starting to appear similar to those that compete in the Classic Physique division.
“We’ve had great success with our heights and weights in Classic Physique so far. We want to make sure our Men’s Physique athletes are not getting too big.”
The creation of Men’s Physique was to promote athletes that have more of a beach-body look, whereas Classic Physique was to serve as a division that emulated how bodybuilders looked in the 1980’s and before. Because of this, the height and weight limits for Men’s Physique will be below those of Classic Physique. The specific weights for each height category have not been announced as of yet. He did advise competitors that may be concerned to start tracking where they are at and to plan accordingly.
“So, these next couple months if you guys are over, or a lot over, or just a little over the classic physique weight limits, you should be keeping track of your weight, and if you need to, start to downsize a little because while the weights aren't set yet, they will be lower than the classic weights.”
Manion highlighted some athletes that he felt served as positive examples of the guidelines the judges will be looking for, including Emmanuel Hunter, Corey Morris, Ryan Terry, and Benquil Marigny. He also acknowledged the last two Olympia champions, Erin Banks and Brandon Hendrickson.
Muscle Insider will provide more updates about this rule change as they are announced.