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2025 Arnold Sunday Showcase with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Top Bodybuilding Legends

Roger "Rock" Lockridge

Arnold Sports Festival Coverage Sponsored by MUTANT!

Jim Lorimer, the late, great co-promoter of the Arnold Sports Festival that worked alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger for many years, once referred to the Arnold Sunday Showcase as the hidden treasure of the Arnold weekend. He once told the fans that were in attendance at one event that they had the true best seats of the whole weekend.

Lorimer passed away in 2022, but the Sunday Showcase tradition lives on, and the 2025 edition is expected to be as star-studded as any other event on the ASF schedule in Columbus, OH.

About the Sunday Showcase

The 2025 Arnold Showcase will be held in the Battelle Grand of the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Sunday, March 2nd, the same room that the Friday night and Saturday night finals will take place. The event will begin at 9:30 AM Eastern time and is expected to finish by 1:00 pm.

The Arnold Showcase is where fans can hear directly from the champions that earned their titles throughout the weekend, highlighted by whoever wins the 2025 Arnold Classic. Various bodybuilding and fitness legends will also take part in fireside chats with host Bob Cicherillo.

Who Will Be There

The 2025 Arnold Classic and International winners will be in the house, but they have to win their competitions first. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself is also expected to stop by to share his thoughts on the weekend, talk training and bodybuilding, and ask the champions his own questions about how they reached their levels of success.

Schwarzenegger, Cicherillo, and the 2025 winners will also be joined by a few bodybuilding superstars.

Ronnie Coleman

2001 Arnold Classic champion and eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman will return to Columbus, as he has for the last several years. Fans are almost guaranteed to hear at least one “yeah buddy” from the legend during the event.

Sam Sulek

Bodybuilding’s past will meet someone who could represent the sport’s future. Sam Sulek will compete at the 2025 Arnold Amateur as a Classic Physique competitor and hopes to win so he can earn his IFBB Pro card. If the YouTube sensation is successful in that quest, then he will be making his first public appearance in Columbus as a professional bodybuilder. Fans that subscribed to his channel have already followed his journey to this point, but now they may learn more about his future.

There is also the chance that a surprise guest may show up to talk shop onstage. No other names are confirmed yet, but it wouldn’t be a surprise if they were confirmed. People planning to go will have to wait and see who graces the stage.

How to Watch

Fans that plan to be at the Arnold Sports Festival can score tickets to this exclusive event for $35 on the Arnold Sports website. As of this writing, tickets are still available. There is also a free livestream expected to be available for the fans that want to watch live from home. Registration for that stream is also at www.arnoldsports.com . Muscle Insider will also be in the house and will provide a recap of who said what and cover all the big moments from this event as well as all the highlights of the 2025 Arnold Sports Festival. So, stay tuned and follow us on all the major social media platforms so you don’t miss anything.

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