2014 IFBB California Pro Figure Contest Results
1. Camala Rodriguez-McClure 2. Sasha Brown 3. Latorya Watts 4. Shalako Bradberry 5. Julie Mayer Hyman 6. Zsuzsanna Toldi 7. Tamara Sedlack 8. Karen Noorlun 9. Monica Labriola 10. Dawn Fernandez11. Erin Harding - TEAM CANADA 12. Kimberly Dickson 13. Alessandra Pinheiro 14. Bojana Vasiljevic 15. Victoria Adelus15. Jill St Laurent - TEAM CANADA 16. Angela Coleman 16. Jessica Curry 16. Jennifer Iritano 16. Sandie Knight 16. Meg Kruse 16. Nicole Kupser 16. Gretchen Lichtenstein 16. Lisandra McGrath 16. Christina Mehling 16. Alissa Parker 16. Melissa Smith 16. Betty Vasquez
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