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Toronto Pro Supershow Women's Bodybuilding Competitors

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The Toronto Pro Supershow is less than 2 weeks away and it's going to be the largest bodybuilding and fitness convention in Canadian history! Of course, MUSCLE INSIDER is located in downtown Toronto which is is literally 3 blocks away from the show! To say that this is our backyard would be very accurate indeed. And in true fashion, we're both a media sponsor and a paid title sponsor for this historic event. Of course, we'll be providing unmatched contest coverage by the hour like we do for all the shows we sponsor. Here's how the lineup of competitors is looking for the IFBB Pro Women's Bodybuilding Class thus far (40% Canadian). 

  1. Nicole Ball (Canada)
  2. Lyris Cappelle (Canada)
  3. Cathy LeFrancois (Canada)
  4. Melody Spetko (Canada)
  5. Sarah Bridges
  6. Brigita Brezovac
  7. Aurelia Grazajova
  8. Mah Ann Mendoza
  9. Elizabeth Meza
  10. Tammy Patnode