By: Scott Welch, BASc (Nutrition)
According to the New York TImes, we're now spending as much time using the Internet as we are watching TV! The amount of time people spend on the Internet has increased 121% over the last 5 years. People younger than 30 years old have spent more time with the Internet than TV for several years, the survey shows that this is the first year that people in older age groups are also doing so. The survey does show a significant increase in the number of people using the Internet to watch streaming video; 33 percent of adults surveyed this year said they use the Internet to watch video, up from 18 percent in 2007. Yet the amount of time people spend with their televisions remains relatively stable. The rise of the Internet is not necessarily leading to a drop in TV consumption because the Internet, and particularly the mobile Internet, simply creates more opportunities for people to consume media, said Jacqueline Anderson, an analyst who wrote the report.
What Are The Top 3 Ranked Bodybuilding Magazine Websites?
Bodybuilding and fitness magazines that do not accept that muscle fans need to be engaged with both print magazines and online websites and social media vehicles like Twitter and Facebook, could be in for a rude awakening very soon as more and more younger consumers take up the sport each day and older readers drop off. According to the website, the top 3 U.S. bodybuilding magazines websites are ranked as:
As far as Canadian bodybuilding magazines are concerned, MUSCLE INSIDER and MUSCLEMAG are on top! and are the top 2 most visited magazine websites on the internet! MUSCLEMAG is ranked #1 ahead of MUSCLE INSIDER but each day our audience is growing at a record pace (hey you're reading this right now aren't you!?). But hey #2 is a pretty good spot to be in...for now!
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