The Canadian fat burner SYNERATE has been recalled! Yes, the fat burner made by Ontario supplement company STRIVE, which is Upper49th's supplement company has been recalled by the Canadian government. The Toronto star has now gone as far as to call it "A potentially deadly weight-loss supplement..." SYNERATE is heavily advertised as "preserving muscle during weight loss" and claim that it's made in facilities licensed by Health Canada. But the recall notice issued by Health Canada says SYNERATE isn't authorized by the department so it's being pulled from store shelves. SYNERATE, contains two stimulants that according to the Toronto Sun have been reported to cause side-effects ranging from dizziness and headaches to seizures, psychosis, heart attacks and stroke. Dr. Denis Prud'homme, head of the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Health Sciences, says there's no safe medication clinically proven to sustain weight loss. "It's not worth the risk. That's for sure," he said. Anyone worried about muscle loss while they're losing weight can compensate by eating more lean protein and doing resistance training, he said.