Q: Dan, I have a hell of a time swallowing capsules. I will do it but it takes so much effort to get them down it's a joke. How do the pros swallow so many pills!?
A: Well, the simple tip would be to open the capsule and pour out the powder into your pre-workout mix but I’ll let you in an even simpler trick. Most people when they take a pill they take a sip of water, tilt their head back and then swallow. As you’ve noticed you can’t do this with capsules. Capsules contain air so they tend to float. The secret to taking a capsule is to put the cap in your mouth, take a sip of water, tilt your head FORWARD, wait a couple of seconds and then swallow. By doing it this way you are allowing the capsule to float to the back of your throat which will make it easier to swallow. What was happening before was that you were allowing the cap to float towards your front teeth and not the back of your throat. Give it a try. I’m certain you have no more problems swallowing capsules.