The Doctor's Corner
Is Soy Protein Estrogenic
Q. Does soy protein really have estrogenic effects? How much soy is required to cause a physiological change in my body?
A. The precise threshold ingestion level of phytoestrogens required to exhibit measurable physiological modulations of human metabolism is unknown. Studies have shown that soy protein at ingested levels comparable to those typical of endogenous populations (Asians in particular) consuming soy as a significant component of the diet can exhibit estrogenic effects, particularly in infants and young children. It’s possible that consuming soy-based protein supplements as part of a consistent regimen will deliver these amounts of the phytoestrogens to your system.
Another important consideration is that the soy products in the supplement market are “genetically modified” in their cultivation process and may therefore deliver estrogenic compounds and their derivatives that are anomalous when compared to the soy foodstuffs that some cultures have habitually consumed.
To read how Dr. Scott Connelly feels soy protein stacks up against whey protein, click HERE!