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Ronnie Rockel Wins Mr. Europe Pro

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Ronny Rockel has upset Roelly Winklaar by taking the overall at the Mr. Europe Pro in Madrid Spain today. Below are the final contest placings. Flex Lewis took third which qualifies him for the Mr. Olympia and is quite a victory for him as he was in the open class in this show rather than the 202 and under where he usually competes.   

  1. Ronny Rockel
  2. Roelly Winklaar
  3. James Lewis (Flex)
  4. Robert Piotrkowicz
  5. Toney Freeman
  6. Essa Hassan Obaid
  7. Sergey Shelestov
  8. Thomas Benagli
  9. Alvin Small
  10. Marcos Chacón
  11. Mario Van Steenberghe
  12. Raul Carrasco
  13. Angel Higueras
  14. Antonio Morales
  15. Serdar Aktolga
  16. Arnaud Plaisant