Q. Everyone always says that bent-over barbell rows are one of the best exercises you can do for the back, especially the lats. However, whenever I do them, my lower back hurts and I don’t get much of a pump. Any tips on how to do bent-over rows properly to really feel my lats working?
A. Great question! Until recently, I wasn’t the biggest fan of bent-over barbell rows either—that is, until I witnessed firsthand how to really do them, courtesy of six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend at the hip until your upper body is at a 70-degree angle to the floor. This is much different than the traditional style where your upper body is at a 90-degree angle. You’ll find Dorian’s style to be less stressful on your lower back. Grip the bar with your choice of overhand or underhand grip, and pull the bar into your lower abs under control without using momentum. Remember to retract the scapula (bring the shoulder blades back) during the lifting phase of the movement to really engage the lats. You’ll also find the biomechanics of the Dorian Row will allow you to use substantially more weight, once you get the hang of it.