QUESTION: What’s the best way that you found to cut water for a bodybuilding show?
ANSWER: Well, here’s the thing: questions like that are a bit misleading. I’ve seen way too many otherwise prepared contest physiques ruined by following some peaking procedure that isn’t based on the athletes own body and process. So the best way to cut water is by being true to individuality in terms of what that person has been through, where the physique is at, and what is left to do. Having said that, tapering water intake isn’t a good idea. The feedback loop systems of the body are very sensitive, especially in that precontest state. Gradually cutting water sends the message to the body to release ADH (anti-diuretic hormone, a.k.a. vasopressin). The result of that can be disastrous. Better to load or even over-load water intake leading up to cutting it. This induces diuresis, and we can capitalize on that by a short-term way of tricking the body. From there, it’s important to assess how the athlete holds water. If his muscles are flat from lack of water, then too much dehydration will only worsen that issue. It’s the interstitial spaces we want to drain of water, not just dehydrate indiscriminately as is the most common tactic. To this end, I will have some athletes cut water anywhere from 14-25 hours out. However, I’ve also been having great success by keeping water intake high, counting on the diuresis effect, and loading by doubling or tripling calories but with precise higher protein ratios. This continues to capitalize on the naturally induced diuresis effect, while keeping muscles from flattening out.
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