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Mass Secrets

Charles Poliquin
Charles is one of the most accomplished strength coaches in the world. He has designed workouts for Olympic medalists, world-record holders and pro athletes.
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Physiotherapy And Bodybuilding

QUESTION: What importance, if any, does physiotherapy have toward training and performance? Also, do have anyone that you work with, and, if so, who do you use?

ANSWER: Good question! I’m old-school, so in my earlier career, I’d go get a treatment every now and then, but I never really felt a big difference until recently, when I met Adam Bogar. From my very first treatment with him, this kid blew me away with his techniques. Once I started going for regular treatments, I felt like my muscles were reborn. I never really realized what a mess I was in with my body and the amount of scar tissues I had accumulated over the years from the beatings my muscles endured over the years. The improvements I started seeing and feeling in my muscles along with my training were very exciting. I was at the point where I’d rather miss a workout than one of Adam’s treatments! His treatments are workouts in themselves.

Adam breaks down scar tissues and adhesions in the muscles, which releases them to fire and fully contract. This brings more blood and nutrients to the muscles, which means muscle growth. (Editor's Note: For a more indepth look at how skeletal muscles work, check out this article.)  

I’ll be honest: It’s not an enjoyable process and you’ll have to man up, but the results are well worth it and speak for themselves. I actually missed a few months of treatment because of personal issues, and that made me a believer all the more.

Muscles free of adhesions and scar tissues mean better range of motion for the muscles surrounding the joints, resulting in fuller, rounder muscle bellies, which is what we bodybuilders strive for. When Adam’s at work with his tools, he reminds me of a sculptor shaping and tearing away.