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From The Ontario Physique Association

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OPA President Ron Hache (center) with MUSCLE INSIDER Publisher Scott Welch (right) and Vice President of Operations Domenic Mauro (left).

We just got a news release from the Ontario Physique Association (OPA) president Ron Hache and it looks like the've got some exciting things happening this year. For those that don't know, the OPA is the Ontario division of the CBBF which is the only federation that allows you the chance to win an IFBB Pro Card. Here's the news release Ron sent out to all competitors:

Dear Members:

The competitive season is among us and everyone is either getting ready to compete or participate in an event in the near future. 2011 is the year that will be remembered as the greatest accomplishment for the Ontario Physique Association and the sport of Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure and Bikini. As OPA members and participants at our sanctioned events you will receive unprecedented exposure and recognition. We recognize that every competitor has personal goals whether they are for self improvement or career building. In that end we are working very closely with media such as magazines, radio, television and websites.

I would like to speak to you about our goals with regards to our Natural athletes competing in our tier system. The credibility of our testing procedures and relationship with the Centre for Ethics in Sport is second to none, not only in Canada but in all of North America. We have added four new Natural contests which are qualifiers to the Natural Ontario’s. What makes us different from all other so called Natural Organizations is our credibility in the testing process. We want to encourage all our young athletes to begin their careers in the Natural competition stream as this is a family event. We have introduced the first pilot program in North America in Partnership with CCES and the CBBF where our Natural competitors competing at randomly tested Natural contests will be also be included in our “out of competition testing.” We will introduce a Whereabouts Program for those Natural athletes that are selected. This is truly the purest and fairest system in place, comparable to our Olympic athletes. This is another reason for our Natural athletes to be proud as members of the OPA/CBBF/IFBB.

The TorontoProSupershow, probably the largest most exciting extreme Sport event ever for Ontario and Canada will be held June 17 and 18 in Toronto. Leave it to the Bodybuilding and Fitness community of the Ontario Physique Association to bring all these sports together. Our mentor and friend Ben Weider who passed away this past year would have been proud. Our new leaders, President of the IFBB Raphael Santola and North American President and Chairman of the IFBB Pro League Jim Manion have given us their blessing and support. We are fortunate to have Jim Manion personally attending to Head Judge and supervise the IFBB Pro Championships. The Ontario Championships will be running side by side with the IFBB Professional event in the prestigious Bassett Theatre. This is a great boost for our Provincial athletes qualifying for the CBBF Canadian Championships.

The Ontario Physique Association Executive, Board of Directors, Members of the OPA, media, and promoters are working diligently to secure the success of all our twelve sanctioned events in Ontario.

In closing I want to thank all those volunteers who have come forward to help and all of those who will be helping us in the future.


Ron Haché, President 

Our Comments

It should be noted that MUSCLE INSIDER is a title sponsor for the Toronto Pro Supershow and is planning on sponsoring every bodybuilding show the CBBF and the OPA puts on this year! It's going to be a great year for bodybuilding in Canada for sure.