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Mr. Europe Pro Competitors List

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The IFBB Pro Men’s Bodybuilding contests move from London, England to Madrid, Spain for the Mr. Europe Pro this March 26th. The top 3 at this contest get an invite to the 2011 Mr. Olympia! The competitor list includes:

  • Serdar Aktolga (Turkey)

  • Thomas Benagli (Italy)

  • Marcos Chacon (Spain)

  • Toney Freeman (USA)

  • Daniel Hill (Germany)

  • Flex Lewis (United Kingdom)

  • Essa Obiad (UAE)

  • Robert Piotrkowicz (Poland)

  • Arnaud Plaisant (France)

  • Ronny Rockel (Germany)

  • Sergey Shelestov (Russia)

  • Michael Sheridan (United Kingdom)

  • Mohammed Touri (Morrocco)

  • Mario Van Steenberghe (Belgium)

  • Roelly Winklaar (Netherlands)