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IFBB Kentucky Muscle Pro Show Competitor's List

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IFBB Pro Ann Titone

IFBB Kentucky Muscle Pro Show

By: Jaime Filer

The last IFBB sanctioned Pro Figure show of the year will prove to be a tough battle. Hosted by Brent Jones in Louiseville, any competitor who's chosen to diet all the way to a November show is obviously out for the win! 

List Of Pro Competitors


Alicia Harris
Ann Titone
Bernita Stuckey
Chikondi Mseka
Dana Ambrose
Daphne Bascom
Elisha Archibold
Jessie Hilgenberg
Krista Dunn
Monica Labriola
Paula Frega
Rosalind Vanterpool
Simone Mack
Tara Hollingsworth
Tiffany Procopio
Tivisay Briceno
Vicki Counts

For more information, click here!