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How Would You Change Supplement Regulations In Canada

Q. If you were the prime minister of Canada, how would you change the regulations surrounding dietary supplements?

A. First off, I have to start by saying that I agree to an extent with how strict Canadian regulations are. Consumers must put their safety first, which is why the FDA and Canadian regulations are so important. You can really put your trust into not only the safety of a Canadian-made product but also its effectiveness. Canadian supplement companies are required to submit research that includes studies and records of every microgram of every ingredient. This can protect you from spending your money on a useless product and from ingesting unknown fillers.

Unfortunately, there is a downside of this approval process: It takes a very long time! If I were to make any changes, it would be to have a larger department in the FDA dedicating its time to researching and approving products for release. This would not only help Canadian supplement companies to amp up their innovation but also get products into distribution faster so Canadian consumers can be on the same page as Americans.

If you want to read more by Jayson Wyner, see his other column questions by clicking HERE. If you want to hire Jayson to train you, visit: http://wyner-training-systems.com