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Happy Birthday To IFBB Pro Vinny Galanti

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Happy birthday wishes go out to IFBB Pro Vinny Galanti today! Who's Vinny Galanti you ask? Well he's probably best known for his appearance in Universal Nutrition's ANIMAL ad campaigns. Vinny started training in 1983 when his dad brought home a sand weight set.
By January of 1984 at age 16, Vinny started taking the bus from Jersey City to Bayonne NJ to train at Billy's gym, where the competition bug took a big bite, and he never looked back! Having over 25 years under his belt in the bodybuilding world, Vinny is known for his balanced physique, great posing, and dedication to the sport. Universal Nutrition has endorsed Vinny for over 12 years, he is the longest athlete ever to work for the New Brunswick, New Jersey based company.

Contest History

  • Suburban championship - 1st place middle weight, and overall winner
  • New Jersey State Champion - 1st place middle weight.
  • Physique championship - 1st place lightheavy weight, and overall winner
  • East Coast championship - 1st place lightheavy weight

  • Jr USA championship - 1st place middle weight

  • Jr National championship - 1st place light heavy weight
USA Championship -1st place middle weight
National Championship - 3rd place

  • Masters National Championship - 1st place lightheavy weight, and overall winner